Sunday, October 14, 2007

Day 8 of Races

Well, this was the big finale today. It was cool with crisp blue skies and the wind really picked up by the time of the second race. We gave everyone a run for their money today and the races were close. The first place team did not race so there were only four of us competing. We almost took third place in the first race and (because someone lost their steering) we made it to third place in the second race.

Yesterday's races had a protest and the judges disqualified both boats so we were moved up to third place in one of yesterday's races. We finished fifth overall, but it was an honorable run and considering the talent, training and venue--Mark I did quite well with our limited experience together. They had a great award ceremony and everyone received a beautiful plaque--even 5th place! I'll bring it in for folks to see. We all received the same plaques and Mark and I were given much credit by many of the sailors and coaches for our efforts and determination. Why, I have even been invited to continue sailing with the team!

I must confess that the best part of my day was on the way in--we had awesome winds behind us and we pulled out the spinnaker and talk about flying! We were hauling and the wind filled the sails so much that the boat was taking on water and waves like crazy! I was so much fun to see the boat go at all its potential. Thank goodness I had my dry suit on because I was hit from head to toes. It was a most excellent way to end my current sailing stint. There is no feeling like it in the world.

Anyhow, I need a nice shower and to get myself organized and packed so I can leave early tomorrow for Rochester. It has been a wonderful experience and I wouldn't trade for anything. I thank all of you for sharing the journey with me--it has meant the world to me.
I will see everyone Tuesday for sure--(don't forget, we have an Art Attack activity after school Tuesday too!).


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Day 7 of Races

Beautiful blue skies and sun today, which was quite was colder today than yesterday even without the rain and high winds. We were out there on the water almost 6 hours! We had race delays because of the massive shifts in wind (up to 90 degrees!). Needless to say we had a really difficult time in those conditions and had a rather embarrassing 5th place in the first race. The second race we made some gains and the wind seemed steadier so it was a more honorable 5th place.

The trials are wrapping up and I must admit the past 21 days (yes, I will have been gone 21 days as of tomorrow) have been quite a learning experience. It has been an honor to sail among world and national champions. This is truly another "world," the disable sailing community, and it has been great to meet, learn, participate, and watch some amazing athletes compete. It takes tons of dedication, time, and money to make the 18 months of commitment most of these folks have made prior to these trials. Even in the 3 months that I've sailed and have known them, I have seen some amazing progress and effort by each team. Again, it has been an honor.

Tomorrow is the last day--we have the early start--10am. After all the races are completed they will have an awards ceremony. There will be boats to haul and pack before the day is done. Kira and I leave for Rochester Monday morning. Thanks for checking in and all your support! Until tomorrow, goodnight!


Friday, October 12, 2007

Day 6 of Races

Today was an interesting day--it started the minute we were pushed off the docks. Mark's father noticed the plugs were open (these plugs keep water out of the haul of the boat, which is hollow). Needless to say dad calls us back and tries to leap on to the boat and landed in the ocean. He swam over and sealed our plugs. Unfortunately we had taken on a lot of water and the the whole body of the boat was low which means swamping the boat would be easy. Kira and Mike, both had to be on the back of the boat to make the water in the haul come to the port hole in the back so they could use a hand pump to get the water out. We were still heavy, but much better and safer for sailing.

It was another day of cool weather, which started wet and drizzly, but ended with cloudy, blue skies and nice strong winds. It was nice not to have to do 3 races today because the stronger winds are hell on your hands. The salt water was stinging the old eyes and the gusts of winds were up to 17-25 mph. It was a fun day to sail.

Overall, the day and races felt better. Tactics and sail management were better too. We had spinnaker problems in the second downwind of the firs race. We couldn't use it, so we went downwind without it. We were last both races, but definitely improved. In the last race, we made some excellent gains on the last windward leg of the race--it was impressive and a good note to end on.

Rumor has it there is some more Texas Hold'em tonight...races are at 11:30 tomorrow again. Two more days and the 2nd and 3rd place spots are still up for grabs. This has been an awesome experience and well worth the work. Until tomorrow...


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Day 5 of the Races

Another cold, wet, and in this case, long day! We had 3 races (an extra one to make up for the one missed on Tuesday). We left the dock around 9am and returned around 3 pm! That is a lot of time in this kind of weather. I'm trying to warm up as I type this. Wind was rather light with occasional puffs, but nothing to write home about, if you know what I mean. We didn't have any moments of wonder and unfortunately made last place for all three races. We were never "lost in the dust," so this is good.

It was a good show though. I was wishing you guys could see it. Scott and Julia stole a first place win in the second race and it looked like they just came from left field. It was a boat length or two and just an excellent thing to see! In that second race the tide was coming in and it was like sailing on a treadmill to try and get through the finish gate. Scott and Julia went on to get two second place finishes upsetting the team of Karen and JP. Now Scott and Julia are only 1 point away from second place and 11 points from first place. We remain behind; not totally stuck in 5th place but we need some amazing outcomes to make 4th.

I must admit that every race has been a learning experience. The conditions are always different, and the tactics and sail trim are always different too. It is a lot to absorb and remember and keep in mind. To top it off--every day is a different combination of elements and you have to find the right settings and strategies. Three more days of races.

Wednesday, our day off, was good. We went to "The Breakers'" mansion--it was built and owned by the Vanderbilt's and talk about opulent! It was like walking into an Italian Renaissance church. And to think they only used it 2 months out of the year and it took 35 servants to run the household of 4. Ten of the servants lived there all year round to keep it clean and shiny. There was no more Texas Hold'em (and I didn't win the tournament but Ms. S gave everyone a good run for their money--so you can be proud).

Hope all is going well--I'm back on Tuesday--watch what you pray for!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Day 4 of the races.

Rule number one: Never ever believe the weather reports! We had the 1 pm start today and it was to be 9-12 mph winds with gusts up to 25mph. HAH! We had 7-8 mph winds with very little gusting and the wind died down so much we only got one race in! I must admit, it was cold out there and I had dressed appropriately for that. I hear you guys are having nice warm weather; we are 62 and lower out on the water--and the ocean is cold.

I know the suspense is killing you...but I hate to disappoint you--we ended up last (and it was a sad last). I wasn't happy with it, and I didn't call any of the shots today. We had a decent start but there were shifts in the wind which were big shifts but they were also frequent. Unfortunately, tacking with the shifts was not a good strategy. When looking at the big picture--you have to see where the pressure system is the greatest. Even with shifts within a strong pressure system, it pays to go with the flow of the pressure system for more consistent progress and speed. This was one of those days where you needed to be looking outside the boat at the big picture and not focusing on the smaller picture. I didn't win the battle on that one...I am definitely a big picture person.

Needless to say--our number one and two team remained unchallenged but there was a little upset with 3, 4 and 5 place finishes today. We are all still in the same order in terms of totals and places. Just to help here are the points and sail boat #s:

First is sail #22 with 9 points
Second is sail #4 with 14 points
Third is sail #5 with 20
Fourth is sail #1 with 28
Fifth is sail #3 (us) with 33 points

We are less than half way through, so there is still a lot of opportunity for jockeying. No one is secure in their position. The games aren't over by a long shot. In true comradery, a bunch of us went to dinner together and played Texas Hold 'em tonight (if we can't kick them on the course, we can at least take their money:)).

I so appreciate everyone's encouragement and for folks checking in. I like the school updates and spirit. It means a great deal to me.

Tomorrow is a lay day--or day off. We won't race; no make-up for today's missing race is happening. We will fit in another race when we resume on Thursday. Tomorrow will be some boat maintenance, check out some of the sights and more poker! You won't hear from me tomorrow, but I will resume writing the blog on Thursday. Again, thanks for all your support.


Monday, October 8, 2007

Day 3 of the Races

The day started out rainy, cold, and with decent winds. Mark decided I could make all the tactical calls today (which I did though he did override a few, some I didn't agree on:).) It was a good feeling to do so, and between the two of us, we did much better. Today we finished both races in 4th place! And we really had some good heats going with some of the others. So, there is still a prayer in Hades for us, and I think I have tapped into that competitive streak of mine.

In the first race we had a great start. We didn't lose so much ground going upwind either. We made too many tacks (turns), but stayed with the top three for a couple legs. I keep telling myself that "the shortest distance between two objects is a straight line." The more turns, the greater the distance to our goal. We worked hard, made some good calls, made some not so good calls..but all in all our boat speed seemed better and our maneuvers somewhat improved.

After the first race, the winds died a bit and got very "shifty," which makes decisions about tactics difficult. We lost a lot of momentum on the last windward mark, but definitely learned from it. Tomorrow is suppose to be another cool day with strong winds and gusts up to 25mph!! Wish us well! Until then, stay dry!


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Second Day of Races

I was off about starting time -- today was a 11:30 start for our races. There was a slight delay because the committee boat broke down, and they needed to get another boat out there. (The committee boat has the folks who run the races, decide the courses and so on.) The weather report was way off, again. (The report said winds from 7-9 mph) Around 9:30 am the winds were 12+ mph with gusts up to 20mph! It was going to be a great day for sailing (a wet one too).

We sailed further out for today's races and wind, water, and waves made for some very challenging sailing conditions. We found ourselves having better starts and for the most start began all our races with the "pack." But upwind, we just kept losing distance -- and downwind, we couldn't catch up. It is frustrating for both of us because we constantly problem solve about solutions and still come up behind. We even have Kira and Mike out there observing and making suggestions. Whatever the combination of tactics and sail trimming, we just seem to keep missing.

Just to help keep track of who is who, and who is in what place...there are 5 boats:
(#22) Nick and Maureen -- are currently in the lead. They won both races today.
(#4) Karen and JP -- are currently in second place. They captured second place for both races.
(# 5) Scott and Julia -are currently in third, and ended third for both races.
(# 1) Sara and Bob -are currently in fourth, and ended fourth for both races.
(# 3) Mark and I --are currently fifth, and ended fifth for both races.
As you can see--today there was no jockeying for finishes. It was a very challenging day for racing and despite our finishing last, we continue to learn and work on improving.

Tomorrow is another day. Wish us good speed and the wind in our sails!

P.S. Tomorrow is 10:00am start for our first race.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

First Day of Racing

The first day of races has ended. I am still alive (though I think Mark was trying to dunk us--by the way, the seat belt works great!) Our first start was awful. Then again, no one was on-line at the start. We were at least 3 boats behind. Nevertheless we were staying with pack when we headed a nice size wave and there was the sound of metal crashing. Mark's seat broke. Well, at least the mechanism that keeps his seat from moving forward and back. The concern was Mark slamming his legs against my seat and say, breaking his legs again. I tried to reach around and hold him back by pushing against his leg so it wouldn't slam forward. Needless to say, we did the best we could considering our circumstances. Winds were underestimated to be 7 knots but were more like 12 to 14 knots.

Kira came aboard after the end of the first race, and she tied his seat to the back of the boat. This reduced the movement to make it safe enough to do the next race. Our second start was much better--and we stuck with 2 other boats for some time. We seemed to struggle with getting the higher angles and tacking seemed slow. Steering and heading up (getting the closest angle to the wind) was just not happening. The second race was shortened because a huge bank of fog was moving in very quickly. The good side to today: we stayed close to the pack and didn't finish far behind the last boat.

Needless to say, we were last in both races. End of day 1. As with any race or activity, the goal is to improve upon areas of weakness. We talked a lot about tactics, sail trimming, and steering. Tomorrow is to be cooler temps. with 10+ mph winds. Tonight it is ibuprofen and lights out at 10:00. Our first race is 10:30am which means an early wake up and at the docks by 9:00am. Check the Sail Newport site for results and photos. Apparently there is no venue planned for video taping the races. Thanks for thinking of us!


Friday, October 5, 2007

The Final Preperations - Day 3

Today is it--the last day of prepping the boat is now over. We are as ready as we can get at this time. Mark and I sailed for a couple hours today and needed to rework some of the lines so they don't catch the spinnaker when being deployed. We could never have gotten this prepared for this event if it weren't for the "dock monkeys." I have been very fortunate to have Kira come all the way out here to help with rigging and taking care of all the boat details that arise. Mark and I have also had his father for these past few months--he has done everything from the mechanical, electrical, rigging to the transportation of the boat. They make a remarkable team and without them, we would never leave the dock. Thanks Kira and Mike!

Everything on the boat is officially as good as it will get, and I'm still in a state of disbelief over the fact that in Newport and in California all Olympic and Paralympic sailing classes are having their trials. I mean this is it. This is the real deal. I'm grateful I have what you might call "delayed reactions" to things. Consequently, I'm not nervous about tomorrow because it hasn't hit me yet. I consider this a good thing.

I appreciate everyone's support, especially at school. This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Keith Burnhams from Rochester is also here with his Sonar team. I hope there are some video or good pictures posted daily. You can check Sail Newport's site for results and, hopefully, pictures.

Note--I am writing this early because I need plenty of rest and energy for the next 8 days. I carry your thoughts and support with me. Both Mark and I thank you.


PS we are sail #3

Breaking the Boat - Day 2

Ever have something really bad happen, yet you can be thankful because it could have been so much worse. That happened today. We keep saying "thank goodness this didn't happen the day of the race." Today was rough. We went to hoist the boat to put it in the water, when 6 inches above the trailer, one of the lines snapped in half and the boat was slammed back down into the trailer. If this had happened a few feet higher or while it was being swung over the driveway toward the water, we would have caused so much damage that sailing the regatta would be over, and I would be coming home. We changed the line and tried again. This time we ripped the ring and a 2x2 inch section of the BOAT out. Then we tried again with other ring and did the same thing. (check out the pictures.)

Wow-talk about frightening, mind blowing, and outright frustrating. We finally secured the boat enough to get her into the water, and believe it or not, we did get out for two hours and practice using the new spinnaker-(it's black--real menacing). It has been a real frustrating time with all the breakdowns and complications. I just hope we can get this boat kink-free for Saturday. Tomorrow we head down to do our last list of repairs/changes and go for a practice run. We then have a 4:00 SKUD 18 meeting and all boats have to be back in the water by 6PM. (When racing, we pull the boats daily to wash salt and any algae or barnacles that can get attached--helps reduce drag.) I guess I just want all the "surprises" to stop.

We then went to the opening reception and ceremony--it was held at the NY Yacht Club, Newport Satellite. It is an old mansion once owned by Dr. Brown (as in the Brown University Brown). The mansion was bought and is the yacht club. It is a gorgeous old house with the most amazing view of the bay. We had a reception and brief welcoming remarks and what is called evening colors. This is when an admiral of the yacht club fires a canon at sunset and the national ensign flag is lowered (the Olympic Flag in our case). This will be done every morning and night throughout the trials. Then they usually say "As you were," tonight they said "this marks the official opening of the 2007 Olympic and Paralympic Trials." It was an honor to be there.

So it's official folks...we are one day from racing with unseasonably warm weather. Check out the pictures. . .and thanks for all your continued support.

P.S. I'm back Tuesday the 16th Brian. Hang in there!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

When the Waiting is Done...Day 1

Monday and Tuesday were by-days. Two days of rest with some errands and getting items for boat work. Today was the official start of the regatta. All those competing in the Paralympic trials had to register and sign up to have the boats weighed and sails measured today. Each category of boats has a specific minimum weight limit that the boat can't be less than. We tend to be on the high side weight wise, probably because of the equipment/modifications we use. We are also allowed two sets of sails to use during the regatta, which must be measured and inspected. You can have a third set for back-up purposes only.

The rest of the day was spent washing, cleaning, and making repairs and adjustments on the boat. We also rigged our new spinnaker today so we can test it tomorrow. The new main and jib sails will be put on Saturday morning, the day of the first races. Here is how it will go from today on:

Thursday 4th: Weighing and measuring; practices
Evening: Formal attire-opening reception and ceremony at the NY Yacht Club.
Friday 5th: Final day for weighing and measuring; last practice day.
Saturday 6th: SKUD-18s race at 1:00 pm
Sunday 7th: SKUD 18s race at 11:30 am
Monday 8th: SKUD 18s race at 10:00 am
Tuesday 9th: SKUD 18s race at 1:00 pm
Wednesday 10th: BY DAY -used to make up races only
SKUD 18s race at 10:00 am
Thursday 11th: SKUD 18s race at 10:00 am
Friday 12th: SKUD 18s race at 11:30 am
Saturday 13th: SKUD 18s race at 1:00 pm
Sunday 14th: SKUD 18s race at 11:30 am
Closing Ceremonies after last races.

There are two races a day. A third race may be added but we can never be more than one race ahead of schedule. The regatta is based on 16 races with 1 to drop. Wednesday the 10th is a make-up race day.

There it is--the next 10 days of my life in a nut shell.
The countdown has begun. . . . .