Friday, October 5, 2007

The Final Preperations - Day 3

Today is it--the last day of prepping the boat is now over. We are as ready as we can get at this time. Mark and I sailed for a couple hours today and needed to rework some of the lines so they don't catch the spinnaker when being deployed. We could never have gotten this prepared for this event if it weren't for the "dock monkeys." I have been very fortunate to have Kira come all the way out here to help with rigging and taking care of all the boat details that arise. Mark and I have also had his father for these past few months--he has done everything from the mechanical, electrical, rigging to the transportation of the boat. They make a remarkable team and without them, we would never leave the dock. Thanks Kira and Mike!

Everything on the boat is officially as good as it will get, and I'm still in a state of disbelief over the fact that in Newport and in California all Olympic and Paralympic sailing classes are having their trials. I mean this is it. This is the real deal. I'm grateful I have what you might call "delayed reactions" to things. Consequently, I'm not nervous about tomorrow because it hasn't hit me yet. I consider this a good thing.

I appreciate everyone's support, especially at school. This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Keith Burnhams from Rochester is also here with his Sonar team. I hope there are some video or good pictures posted daily. You can check Sail Newport's site for results and, hopefully, pictures.

Note--I am writing this early because I need plenty of rest and energy for the next 8 days. I carry your thoughts and support with me. Both Mark and I thank you.


PS we are sail #3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. S, first of all i apologize for the fact that this is my first comment on this blog. second of all we miss you, please come back, miss roberts is getting more and more like you(and not the good Ms. s either) and she's a little overly nice, but all in all she's an okay teacher so we should be fine. good luck on the next race, hope you do better this time, sorry to hear about the weather and all. still don't understand how we're your home port but we'll have a great welcome waiting for you when you rerturn to it. bye. ryan.