Thursday, October 11, 2007

Day 5 of the Races

Another cold, wet, and in this case, long day! We had 3 races (an extra one to make up for the one missed on Tuesday). We left the dock around 9am and returned around 3 pm! That is a lot of time in this kind of weather. I'm trying to warm up as I type this. Wind was rather light with occasional puffs, but nothing to write home about, if you know what I mean. We didn't have any moments of wonder and unfortunately made last place for all three races. We were never "lost in the dust," so this is good.

It was a good show though. I was wishing you guys could see it. Scott and Julia stole a first place win in the second race and it looked like they just came from left field. It was a boat length or two and just an excellent thing to see! In that second race the tide was coming in and it was like sailing on a treadmill to try and get through the finish gate. Scott and Julia went on to get two second place finishes upsetting the team of Karen and JP. Now Scott and Julia are only 1 point away from second place and 11 points from first place. We remain behind; not totally stuck in 5th place but we need some amazing outcomes to make 4th.

I must admit that every race has been a learning experience. The conditions are always different, and the tactics and sail trim are always different too. It is a lot to absorb and remember and keep in mind. To top it off--every day is a different combination of elements and you have to find the right settings and strategies. Three more days of races.

Wednesday, our day off, was good. We went to "The Breakers'" mansion--it was built and owned by the Vanderbilt's and talk about opulent! It was like walking into an Italian Renaissance church. And to think they only used it 2 months out of the year and it took 35 servants to run the household of 4. Ten of the servants lived there all year round to keep it clean and shiny. There was no more Texas Hold'em (and I didn't win the tournament but Ms. S gave everyone a good run for their money--so you can be proud).

Hope all is going well--I'm back on Tuesday--watch what you pray for!

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