Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Day 4 of the races.

Rule number one: Never ever believe the weather reports! We had the 1 pm start today and it was to be 9-12 mph winds with gusts up to 25mph. HAH! We had 7-8 mph winds with very little gusting and the wind died down so much we only got one race in! I must admit, it was cold out there and I had dressed appropriately for that. I hear you guys are having nice warm weather; we are 62 and lower out on the water--and the ocean is cold.

I know the suspense is killing you...but I hate to disappoint you--we ended up last (and it was a sad last). I wasn't happy with it, and I didn't call any of the shots today. We had a decent start but there were shifts in the wind which were big shifts but they were also frequent. Unfortunately, tacking with the shifts was not a good strategy. When looking at the big picture--you have to see where the pressure system is the greatest. Even with shifts within a strong pressure system, it pays to go with the flow of the pressure system for more consistent progress and speed. This was one of those days where you needed to be looking outside the boat at the big picture and not focusing on the smaller picture. I didn't win the battle on that one...I am definitely a big picture person.

Needless to say--our number one and two team remained unchallenged but there was a little upset with 3, 4 and 5 place finishes today. We are all still in the same order in terms of totals and places. Just to help here are the points and sail boat #s:

First is sail #22 with 9 points
Second is sail #4 with 14 points
Third is sail #5 with 20
Fourth is sail #1 with 28
Fifth is sail #3 (us) with 33 points

We are less than half way through, so there is still a lot of opportunity for jockeying. No one is secure in their position. The games aren't over by a long shot. In true comradery, a bunch of us went to dinner together and played Texas Hold 'em tonight (if we can't kick them on the course, we can at least take their money:)).

I so appreciate everyone's encouragement and for folks checking in. I like the school updates and spirit. It means a great deal to me.

Tomorrow is a lay day--or day off. We won't race; no make-up for today's missing race is happening. We will fit in another race when we resume on Thursday. Tomorrow will be some boat maintenance, check out some of the sights and more poker! You won't hear from me tomorrow, but I will resume writing the blog on Thursday. Again, thanks for all your support.



Anonymous said...

Great photos!
Hope the weather reports are more accurate for the winds-not the wetness!
Relax today-hope you're both well!

Anonymous said...

Dear My Favoret Teacher
I'm glad that you are doing good. I hope you do alot better on your next race. I miss you alot come back soon. SCHOOOL IS NO FUN WITH OUT YOU HERE. The past few weeks has ben boring with out you here. When are you coming back to here at school. I'm here if you need some one to ask how we are all doing in mods 5-6. We are all doing fine exsept me i miss you to much to have fun with out you here in class.
From Desiree Christen Muewller

Anonymous said...

so how much money did you loss in gambling nice to know your haveing fun

Anonymous said...

good luck ms.s are you comeing this monday

Anonymous said...

Ms. S
I hope that you are having fun sailing. Everyone here at Norman Howard School can't wait until you come back to school were you belong. School isn't the same without you, so try and be back soon. We all miss you

Anonymous said...

texas hold 'em? with Ms.S? thats terrifying...
anyway i the weather stations are never really spot on i wouldn't trust them either also sorry to hear about losing like that but you'll give them a run for their money next time

Anonymous said...

We miss you so much down here at your home port!...*still can't believe that we're the home port*... I'm afraid that Ms. Roberts is slowly being possessed by a demon, either that or she finally realized that she works at Norman Howard, could go either way. Well, anyway, sorry to hear that the weather report was wrong (cause that's never happened before). Now for a corny finish, even if you're in last place in the races, you're still number one in my heart (corny meter gives a score of 8.5).

With Love,
Sam Conner (master of the universe)

Unknown said...

Hope that you do well in the reaces still. Your right that the races are not over. I turn around things like this all the time.

Good luck Ms. S

Anonymous said...

Hi ms. s heard u played some texas hold em. did u win? school is boring with out u.
good luck in the races

dko127 said...

Have fun on your day off, and dont let up when the races start again. Its not over until its over.

P.S. The weather reports are frequently wrong, so you can never trust it completely, you just have to work with what is available and do the best you can.

Anonymous said...

Good luck ms. S. Art attack is not the same without you. Well we didn't have a meeting ye but still its not fun without you. I miss you a lot. Don't worry I'm not giving mrs. mavromatis a hard time.

From, Meghan August aka supersteve
P.s supersteve was a nickname that a friend of mine have me

Anonymous said...

well ive been leaving comments but neways i miss u yelling at chris cuz its funny but neways and also cant wait 4 u 2 get back

Anonymous said...

above comment posted by nichole

Anonymous said...

hey! sorry i haven't talked to you in a while. i miss you! i hope u come back soon! and it might stink that u lost but i hope you had fun doing it!♥

Anonymous said...

Keep going Amy and Mark! Don't get blue about being last. We all know that you both are working really hard and that you'll both do great! Hang in there! Love your pictures and blog. I miss you and the kids, and Marley puppy! Take care - Kelly