Friday, October 5, 2007

Breaking the Boat - Day 2

Ever have something really bad happen, yet you can be thankful because it could have been so much worse. That happened today. We keep saying "thank goodness this didn't happen the day of the race." Today was rough. We went to hoist the boat to put it in the water, when 6 inches above the trailer, one of the lines snapped in half and the boat was slammed back down into the trailer. If this had happened a few feet higher or while it was being swung over the driveway toward the water, we would have caused so much damage that sailing the regatta would be over, and I would be coming home. We changed the line and tried again. This time we ripped the ring and a 2x2 inch section of the BOAT out. Then we tried again with other ring and did the same thing. (check out the pictures.)

Wow-talk about frightening, mind blowing, and outright frustrating. We finally secured the boat enough to get her into the water, and believe it or not, we did get out for two hours and practice using the new spinnaker-(it's black--real menacing). It has been a real frustrating time with all the breakdowns and complications. I just hope we can get this boat kink-free for Saturday. Tomorrow we head down to do our last list of repairs/changes and go for a practice run. We then have a 4:00 SKUD 18 meeting and all boats have to be back in the water by 6PM. (When racing, we pull the boats daily to wash salt and any algae or barnacles that can get attached--helps reduce drag.) I guess I just want all the "surprises" to stop.

We then went to the opening reception and ceremony--it was held at the NY Yacht Club, Newport Satellite. It is an old mansion once owned by Dr. Brown (as in the Brown University Brown). The mansion was bought and is the yacht club. It is a gorgeous old house with the most amazing view of the bay. We had a reception and brief welcoming remarks and what is called evening colors. This is when an admiral of the yacht club fires a canon at sunset and the national ensign flag is lowered (the Olympic Flag in our case). This will be done every morning and night throughout the trials. Then they usually say "As you were," tonight they said "this marks the official opening of the 2007 Olympic and Paralympic Trials." It was an honor to be there.

So it's official folks...we are one day from racing with unseasonably warm weather. Check out the pictures. . .and thanks for all your continued support.

P.S. I'm back Tuesday the 16th Brian. Hang in there!


Anonymous said...

I need you to come back. how maney days un till you come back. we need you. this is boring with out you.


Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK ON SAT., AMY! Hope all of the nasy surprises are over. The ripped out boat pieces are impressive. Keep safe and have fun. Your pal, KCorke

Anonymous said...

Your daily blogs and pictures are posted on the wall at school! We're cheering you on!!!
May you have calm seas and fair winds!
All our very best to you and Skipper Mark!

Anonymous said...

Amy--Certainly has been eventful leading up to the race. Hope you have smooth sailing on Saturday. Enjoy the race and I will be thinking of you "flying" through the water with your black (?!) spinnaker sail. Miss you at NHS and looking forward to your return, linda