Saturday, October 13, 2007

Day 7 of Races

Beautiful blue skies and sun today, which was quite was colder today than yesterday even without the rain and high winds. We were out there on the water almost 6 hours! We had race delays because of the massive shifts in wind (up to 90 degrees!). Needless to say we had a really difficult time in those conditions and had a rather embarrassing 5th place in the first race. The second race we made some gains and the wind seemed steadier so it was a more honorable 5th place.

The trials are wrapping up and I must admit the past 21 days (yes, I will have been gone 21 days as of tomorrow) have been quite a learning experience. It has been an honor to sail among world and national champions. This is truly another "world," the disable sailing community, and it has been great to meet, learn, participate, and watch some amazing athletes compete. It takes tons of dedication, time, and money to make the 18 months of commitment most of these folks have made prior to these trials. Even in the 3 months that I've sailed and have known them, I have seen some amazing progress and effort by each team. Again, it has been an honor.

Tomorrow is the last day--we have the early start--10am. After all the races are completed they will have an awards ceremony. There will be boats to haul and pack before the day is done. Kira and I leave for Rochester Monday morning. Thanks for checking in and all your support! Until tomorrow, goodnight!


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