Sunday, October 7, 2007

Second Day of Races

I was off about starting time -- today was a 11:30 start for our races. There was a slight delay because the committee boat broke down, and they needed to get another boat out there. (The committee boat has the folks who run the races, decide the courses and so on.) The weather report was way off, again. (The report said winds from 7-9 mph) Around 9:30 am the winds were 12+ mph with gusts up to 20mph! It was going to be a great day for sailing (a wet one too).

We sailed further out for today's races and wind, water, and waves made for some very challenging sailing conditions. We found ourselves having better starts and for the most start began all our races with the "pack." But upwind, we just kept losing distance -- and downwind, we couldn't catch up. It is frustrating for both of us because we constantly problem solve about solutions and still come up behind. We even have Kira and Mike out there observing and making suggestions. Whatever the combination of tactics and sail trimming, we just seem to keep missing.

Just to help keep track of who is who, and who is in what place...there are 5 boats:
(#22) Nick and Maureen -- are currently in the lead. They won both races today.
(#4) Karen and JP -- are currently in second place. They captured second place for both races.
(# 5) Scott and Julia -are currently in third, and ended third for both races.
(# 1) Sara and Bob -are currently in fourth, and ended fourth for both races.
(# 3) Mark and I --are currently fifth, and ended fifth for both races.
As you can see--today there was no jockeying for finishes. It was a very challenging day for racing and despite our finishing last, we continue to learn and work on improving.

Tomorrow is another day. Wish us good speed and the wind in our sails!

P.S. Tomorrow is 10:00am start for our first race.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy-
You rock! Keep up the good work and keep plugging away. You wouldnt' find me out there - seat belt or not. I just wanted to say hi and good luck!

JJ from Nazareth