Sunday, October 14, 2007

Day 8 of Races

Well, this was the big finale today. It was cool with crisp blue skies and the wind really picked up by the time of the second race. We gave everyone a run for their money today and the races were close. The first place team did not race so there were only four of us competing. We almost took third place in the first race and (because someone lost their steering) we made it to third place in the second race.

Yesterday's races had a protest and the judges disqualified both boats so we were moved up to third place in one of yesterday's races. We finished fifth overall, but it was an honorable run and considering the talent, training and venue--Mark I did quite well with our limited experience together. They had a great award ceremony and everyone received a beautiful plaque--even 5th place! I'll bring it in for folks to see. We all received the same plaques and Mark and I were given much credit by many of the sailors and coaches for our efforts and determination. Why, I have even been invited to continue sailing with the team!

I must confess that the best part of my day was on the way in--we had awesome winds behind us and we pulled out the spinnaker and talk about flying! We were hauling and the wind filled the sails so much that the boat was taking on water and waves like crazy! I was so much fun to see the boat go at all its potential. Thank goodness I had my dry suit on because I was hit from head to toes. It was a most excellent way to end my current sailing stint. There is no feeling like it in the world.

Anyhow, I need a nice shower and to get myself organized and packed so I can leave early tomorrow for Rochester. It has been a wonderful experience and I wouldn't trade for anything. I thank all of you for sharing the journey with me--it has meant the world to me.
I will see everyone Tuesday for sure--(don't forget, we have an Art Attack activity after school Tuesday too!).



Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since you left! We've missed you terribly & look forward to having you back at school. I'm glad you had fun & we are all so proud of you.
Land ho!!!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you!!!!
Wet or Dry!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy! Congrats on coming in fifth! It's not last, so you did wonderful! Hope you and Mark had a great time. Your pal - Kelly