Monday, October 8, 2007

Day 3 of the Races

The day started out rainy, cold, and with decent winds. Mark decided I could make all the tactical calls today (which I did though he did override a few, some I didn't agree on:).) It was a good feeling to do so, and between the two of us, we did much better. Today we finished both races in 4th place! And we really had some good heats going with some of the others. So, there is still a prayer in Hades for us, and I think I have tapped into that competitive streak of mine.

In the first race we had a great start. We didn't lose so much ground going upwind either. We made too many tacks (turns), but stayed with the top three for a couple legs. I keep telling myself that "the shortest distance between two objects is a straight line." The more turns, the greater the distance to our goal. We worked hard, made some good calls, made some not so good calls..but all in all our boat speed seemed better and our maneuvers somewhat improved.

After the first race, the winds died a bit and got very "shifty," which makes decisions about tactics difficult. We lost a lot of momentum on the last windward mark, but definitely learned from it. Tomorrow is suppose to be another cool day with strong winds and gusts up to 25mph!! Wish us well! Until then, stay dry!



Anonymous said...

We're posting the race pictures and standings at school-which picture has your Skud in it? We see that 22 also has a black jib-
Hang in there! Persistence pays off!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,

You are a wonderful example for all of us ---
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again"
You keep on trying and don't forget that you have a whole school back here that just keeps on rooting for you!!
