Wednesday, October 3, 2007

When the Waiting is Done...Day 1

Monday and Tuesday were by-days. Two days of rest with some errands and getting items for boat work. Today was the official start of the regatta. All those competing in the Paralympic trials had to register and sign up to have the boats weighed and sails measured today. Each category of boats has a specific minimum weight limit that the boat can't be less than. We tend to be on the high side weight wise, probably because of the equipment/modifications we use. We are also allowed two sets of sails to use during the regatta, which must be measured and inspected. You can have a third set for back-up purposes only.

The rest of the day was spent washing, cleaning, and making repairs and adjustments on the boat. We also rigged our new spinnaker today so we can test it tomorrow. The new main and jib sails will be put on Saturday morning, the day of the first races. Here is how it will go from today on:

Thursday 4th: Weighing and measuring; practices
Evening: Formal attire-opening reception and ceremony at the NY Yacht Club.
Friday 5th: Final day for weighing and measuring; last practice day.
Saturday 6th: SKUD-18s race at 1:00 pm
Sunday 7th: SKUD 18s race at 11:30 am
Monday 8th: SKUD 18s race at 10:00 am
Tuesday 9th: SKUD 18s race at 1:00 pm
Wednesday 10th: BY DAY -used to make up races only
SKUD 18s race at 10:00 am
Thursday 11th: SKUD 18s race at 10:00 am
Friday 12th: SKUD 18s race at 11:30 am
Saturday 13th: SKUD 18s race at 1:00 pm
Sunday 14th: SKUD 18s race at 11:30 am
Closing Ceremonies after last races.

There are two races a day. A third race may be added but we can never be more than one race ahead of schedule. The regatta is based on 16 races with 1 to drop. Wednesday the 10th is a make-up race day.

There it is--the next 10 days of my life in a nut shell.
The countdown has begun. . . . .


Anonymous said...

are u comeing back next monday

dko127 said...

well, good luck with those races.
take some pictures for us.

Anonymous said...'ve got a lot to do. You're going to have so little patience and bandwidth when you get back...i'm sooooooo looking forward to that. Well, good luck, can't wait till you get back, we all miss you, and i don't know if Ms. R can take us for much longer.

Much Love, Sam aka master of the universe