Sunday, September 30, 2007

All the Things That Can Go Wrong Often Do

I am a bit discouraged today. It is what they call Murphy's Law. This was a humdinger of a morning. When the boat is rigged, there are three lines that run down from the top of the mast, inside the mast, through the base and into the boat. Ever thread a pull string that has come out of your sweatpants? You get the idea. In our case, one of the lines did not have knots at the end of it so it slipped up into the mast. With our boats, we literally have to take the mast down and use what is called "wire tape." We run that from the top of the mast to the bottom and make sure that it doesn't get caught or twisted with the other two lines in the mast. Then we thread it back up with another thin line attached to it. When it comes out the top, we then attach the line we really need to thread, which then gets pulled back down the mast and out the base. Sound complicated. It is. An early morning start of 10:30 turned into 1:00 departure from the dock.

As we made way to the practice area we came across another snafu. Our spinnaker lines were crossed which took a couple of adjustments out on the water. Needless to say, I was very discouraged. The good lesson learned is that I can be grateful it happened now and not during the trials.

Overall, it felt like an off day--our starts stunk and sail management was okay. Tomorrow we are all taking the day off. We need to get a sail fixed and there are various tasks to be done. A day off is definitely needed. I'll write again Tuesday night.


Anonymous said...

Hi Amy and Mark! Hey, don't get discourage, you guys are working really hard and you will be successful I'm sure. You have a lot of people thinking good thoughts behind you. I bet you are exhausted at the end of the day. Fuel up with lots of god food, you're going to need it! Have fun - K. Corke

Anonymous said...

Oops, I ment "good food" not "god food", ha ha ha! Take care of yourself! - K.Corke

Anonymous said...

what an adventure you both are having! i hope all the snafus are behind you, and that you are having a relaxing day today (monday), even with the "to do's" on land that you have to take care of.
thinking of you as the start of your competition days draws near.
by the way, fueling up with god food (k. corke's typo) isn't such a bad idea!
god bless you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. S hows it going sorry to here you had a bad day yesterday but i hope today was a day of much deserved relaxation

Anonymous said...

Keep going, Amy! You rock!! We are all very proud of you.


Anonymous said...

Deep Breaths! Hope you both are now relaxed and are ready to give it the go again!
Wish we could really be at your back!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, this is my 2nd letter. Youdidn't get the first one due to my ineptiness (sp?) of sending then saving! Anyways I'm all set ! So things sound like they are the usual snafoos but all is falling into place. As long as you (and Mark!) come home safe and dry!.Stay strong and healthy, give it all you have and keep the faith! We miss you here and I promise to save a few candy bars for you! Have fun , be safe see ya soon! The "P-dog"

Unknown said...

Sorry bout your off day Ms. s. Hope you do well after. :)