Saturday, September 29, 2007

Practice, Practice, Practice

We had a later start and spent a solid 2 hours on technique--obviously my sail management technique. All the practice was on spinnaker management. Deploying the spinnaker, jiving and spinnaker management, take down of the spinnaker. All these techniques are used at all races. In races, they have you do a windward leg and a downwind leg. Each entail different sail trimming and for the downward leg, the spinnaker. The management of the spinnaker is crucial to these boats because it is hallmark of these boats to sail well and fast downwind. Thus the practice.

To haul the spinnaker in and out, say about 20+ times in a short period is rather tiring and takes a lot of arm strength and speed. There are also many steps. Say we are rounding the windward mark--before we round I need release the spinnaker sheets, unclamp the spinnaker halyard, release the main and then pull like crazy to hoist the spinnaker, sheet it off, release the jib and adjust the main sail. Getting the timing for all this is essential. Take a look at our boat at the last regatta (in Rochester) this is what happens when you deploy the spinnaker too soon. Not pretty.

Needless to say, we practice and developed our lingo. The skipper and his crew have to communicate or you might as well not go sailing together. Mark and I have come up with one word commands that signal me to do particular steps in sail management. It takes time and practice to get the techniques down, but when you do it well, it feels wonderful.

Tomorrow is another great day (weather wise) for sailing and all 5 skud teams are to be there to practice. An opportunity to put the techniques into practice.



Anonymous said...

HI MS S omg i have a headache but its ok and i miss ur meanness :(

Anonymous said...

You made the D & C today - Mark, too! Wow - you are famous. Can I have your autograph when you get back!!! Or maybe I'll just grab something from the pile of stuff that is being thrown out in your garage! :)

Do you ever get sea sick?