Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Modifications are done!

Mr. Lewis has worked day and night for two days to get my seat set and to get Mark a switch he can use (without needing his hands or fingers) to independently tilt his seat. I am not going anywhere in the seat this time. Check out the final picture and note the red strap around my waist (it was one of the straps the NHS folks gave me). I just hope if and when I do need to get myself out, I can!

Mark's father came up with a way for him to use his head to activate the switch to make his seat tilt. I have to take a picture of it--it is very imaginative. The next step for both of us is to put the boat in the water and see how our new modifications work! Tomorrow morning we move out and head out for Newport, R.I. We will get the boat in and test out the equipment. If things seem to be in working we will join the other US team boats for the first day of practice.

Until tomorrow...It's time for bed. Thanks for all your support.



Anonymous said...

hey Mrs,s how are you doing how are you holding up out there i hope you are having fun.


Anonymous said...

I miss you so much I want you to come back. It is so much eser with 3 of you, and noe that we only have two teachers it is so much harder to get things done in class.
We are maniging with out you but i miss you so much. We are all being very good.

Your best student Desiree Christen Mueller

Anonymous said...

Things are going pretty smooth here at school still cant wait till u get back so you can tell us all about the trip good luck, i hope your having fun

Anonymous said...

hey Mrs.s its nice to know you wont be falling out of your seat, but by the looks of it wont it be kind of hard to get out anyway good luck and have fun


Anonymous said...

Dear Miss S,
Everyone here at NHS misses you alot, also eveyone is asking and wondering when are you going to be back here? I miss your teachings, and I'm waiting to hear about your trip. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

cool the sub is mad at me and Kailen because we were mad at her she was meen

Anonymous said...

i love u miss s, can't wait for you to get back, i think ms. roberts is gonna snap and it won't be pretty...............................................god help us all
