Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Newport, Rhode Island (it is a state--Rhode Island)

Hi everyone,

I see you guys are giving Ms. Roberts a run for her money aye? Be nice! And watch what you pray for!

We made it to Newport today and the winds were strong, but Mark needed to test out his new seat tilting switch so we didn't catch the wind today. The head device he uses to activate the switch is so cool. I will download pictures tomorrow so you can get a look at it. Only two other US teams are here and we are all busy "readying" our boats.

Our coach, Betsy Alison, has called for the first practice tomorrow from 11:00-3:00. This will be the test for our new modifications. Wish us luck! We usually practice "starts" and other maneuvers to get us thinking about strategies. Some folks swear that those who start strong finish first. There seems to be more truth than not to the saying. I'm looking forward to sailing tomorrow--it feels like it has taken forever to get to this point. Winds are to be around 11 knots which is nice for sailing.

I'm not sure how I can forget so easily, but Newport is such a beautiful place. We sail out of the Newport Sailing Center--home to Shake-a-Leg, one of the first disabled sailing programs ever. The docks and Sailing Center are located in Fort Adams State Park--the old fort is just down the road and we sail by it as we leave the bay for the open sea. Yes, Rhode Island is on the ocean, so it's salt water and a bit colder than our grand old Lake Ontario.

I will let you know how our day goes tomorrow and will get some more pictures on the blog too. Be kind to your teachers--I'll be back before you know it.

Ms. S


dko127 said...

have fun, and good luck sailing.

Anonymous said...

hope your having fun sailing, good luck in the races

Anonymous said...

sound fun i hate this class so far the techers are gating mand ant me and kailen for know resant and i'm gating tered of it and it gating old =(

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. S,

Everything is under control here at NHS. Don't beleive what all the drama kings and queens are saying! :) Yes, you are greatly missed, but Mrs. Roberts and Ms. Richolson are holding down the fort and things are running smoothly, as much as it can at NHS! The students are doing the final editing of their stories and developing their characters on paper. The Illustrator is coming in on Monday! Candy bars have been ordered for Art Attack and all is well. Don't worry about us, just keep safe and have fun!

Mrs. K.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that your seat is adjusted and you will not be faling out anymore. Good luck practicing.

Anonymous said...

yo Ms. S i wish i was there i if i could chose being your life gaurd or a student at NHS i would choose you any day even though i have no idea wat i have to do

anyways i miss seeing you riding down the hall in your awsome wheelchair

hmm by the way can you get me out of english class? haha that would never happen any ways have fun and work hard


Anonymous said...

Hi ya Amy! It sounds like a scarey experience to me! Did you ever watch the movies, "The Fog" or "Jaws?" I bet you are enjoying every minute of it though. I love your blog, and all of the great pictures too! I miss you and your class. Keep sailing - Kelly :)