Monday, September 24, 2007

On the Road Again. . .

May I first say how overwhelmed and touched I am with all the support from the Norman Howard School's faculty, staff, and students; the EnCompass Resources for Learning administration and employees; my Mom and Dad, ("the kids"), Liz and friends (especially my book club members); and the community of disabled people in Rochester (NSCIA and Center for Disability Rights). I have been greatly blessed to have such a wonderful network of people who encourage, support, and follow me through all my adventures.

At school this past Friday, the whole school gathered for an assembly to wish me well and good luck. Little did I imagine the send off that I was given! It was rather overwhelming and so surprising. I was sent off with a basket of goods to keep well and warm and amazing amount of money was gifted to me by the faculty and staff and another generous gift from the EnCompass administration. It was all so surreal and touching. I will make a shrine in my hotel room when I get there and post a picture. Mark and I are going to christen the boat too with the bottle of sparkling grape juice. I just can't find the words to express how much I appreciated all that you did. Thanks again! and again! and again! and again . . .

Well, it is a beautiful Monday in Hingham MA. I arrived at Mark's abode around 9:30pm last night and am waiting to get started on working out the kinks in my seat. Mark and I and his father (an engineer designer and wonderful problem solver) will take the next two days or longer to make sure we have a near perfect seating arrangement for me. Without body stability my ability to leverage the pull and use my arm strength for sail management is greatly compromised. I'm excited to get this worked out because it will mean improvement in the mechanical tactics. I will take pictures of the seating and the process so you have an idea what I'm talking about. We hope this process won't take more than two days so we can head to Newport and start practicing. I will definitely keep everyone posted!


Anonymous said...

You are well worth the celebration!
Get that seat fixed! we want you back! We are all behind you and your team.

Anonymous said...

♥Good luck!!!!♥

Kim D.

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy! You have got to be one of the most bravest person I've ever known! Good luck and I know you and Mark will do fantastic! I miss the laughter we shared when we worked together. Take Care - Kelly

Anonymous said...

On behalf of “the kids” Zoe and Marley (the little tornado on four paws: her most recent escapade was that she got her head stuck underneath the deck looking for a phantom hot dog) they are most appreciative of the toys you gave them.

Marley carries the rope/tennis ball where ever she goes and sleeps on it at night. She and Zoe play tug of war and all Zoe has to do is shake her jaw and Marley is airborne!

Again- thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Dog whisperer in Ms. S's absence

Anonymous said...

Hey there...definitely looking for those pictures. I want to see some with the Pirate hat! Keep livin' the dream.

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?