Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day 3

We began the day in 12th place (based on yesterday's results).

Wow! What a wonderful day for sailing and mighty strong winds (which means a lot of water in the boat). I managed to not almost fall in, though I did lose the seat I sit on in the first race today. It was a great day--but long. As with anything in life, "the best laid plans of both mice and men often go astray..." my goal to work the spinnaker better was a dismal failure today.

In the first race we had a great start and rounded the first mark in 4th place...but the the fates, or maybe Neptune himself (Matt), were not on our side. As we came around the leeward mark I couldn't hall the spinnaker in--I fought it with all my strength. We finally realized the spinnaker line was caught in the zipper on the base of the jib. We had to sail away from the race course and try to figure it out--much time was lost and I thought for sure we would place last--but we jumped back in there and made some come back--at we didn't finish last! The second race was a blur. Don't ask me why. It was the third race that we did our best and finished 7th place.

Sam the Swedish woman is not sailing in my class (thank goodness); however a Canadian got us irked because he was asked to give room at the mark (we had right away) and he said something rather unprofessional to us, so I told Mark we had to beat them--and we did. Nothing wrong with a little competition. There will be no night sailing Sam--the rules state we can't start a race after 5pm. Goes to show you--life ain't fair.

Thanks to all of you for your comments and support you make me laugh after a very long and strenuous day! Tomorrow is day 4 and maybe some of the good starts and good sail trimming can come together. I miss you guys (believe it or not). Hang in there folks!

I almost forgot--the D&C interviewed us and he is coming out to take pictures and do video (which they put on-line). Anyhow, the article will be in Friday's paper. Take care, until tomorrow.


dko127 said...

Glad your having fun Ms. s..

And dont let the canadian guy bother you.. remind him hes canadian

Im such a horrible person..


Anonymous said...

I am proud that you didn't fal out of your boat ar almost fall out of your boat. come back i miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love desiree c mueller

mattt said...

spidanker? Jibs? Jib base? i have no idea what any of those are but i think it just prooves that you are becoming a real sailor
i dont know, maybe when you come back you can lead the class in a few sea shanties or teach us how to talk like a "sea fairer"
also i heard about you getting your splanker in the zipper and let me say i hate when that happens maybe not with splankers and jibs but more like with coats and strings
anyway good luck and dont let that canadian gentalman get in your way

mattt said...

oh and one more thing we started the "Giver" in english and we are 2 chapters in but so far i am liking it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey ms.s how are u doing you must be having a lot of fun. we are working on our fair tails they are a lot of fun well have fun and don"t fall in


Anonymous said...

can people team up to do the fairy tales projet plz plz plz plz plz...

Anonymous said...

Hey cool your doing good keep it up see you in a few days write. Have a blast out there but don't blast out of your sit O.K By

Daniel Swartz out tech.

Unknown said...

ms. zoeke is gonna kill devon for that comment about canadians. you sould post one and reply to us on this thing!


Anonymous said...

It's great to be able to go along for the ride with you!!!-even if we get wet!

Anonymous said...

hi how r u my mouth is killing me so much i got my braces tightened yesterday 9/12/07 but im gettin them off on december 4th YAY!!!
when i got home i cried it hurt so badly :(

smile and "dont show the hurt in side cuz the pain will soon b gone and when u dream dream big as big as the ocean blue cuz when u dream it might come truee and when u dream dream big" - part of a song by a country band

Anonymous said...

I hope you win the race.

Joshua Sisto

Unknown said...

Hi Ms. S and good luck in the sailing.
Hope you win.

Gibby said...

hey ms s this is kailen. stay strong see you soon