Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day 2

Well today was a day for sailing! Nice winds and rain--yes rain. I like to sail in rain. I t makes the experience surreal in a way. But good energy and strong winds are in rain clouds too. Mark wasn't feeling good this morning, but we decided to give it a try. We made it through all three races! Yay! The winds were good and I can't say I was cold despite being pretty darn wet. However, I had my closest call to falling out of the boat on my way in today. I'm pretty much strapped in to my seat for stability and pulling power. But on the way back to the docks we were followed by a very strong front with rain and huge gusts. The gusts ripped the main sheets right out of my hand and in an attempt to reach them to pull them in I undid my shoulder straps...well, the wind was so strong it pulled me out of my seat onto the floor of the boat! The boat was so keeled that we were taking in a lot of water (all over me!). The only saving grace was my chest belt, which was keeping me in the boat as I hung by my armpits. It was a wild ride to say the least!

Before I get to the race results I have to talk about the importance of setting goals. When sailing, as with school and any other aspect of your life, one sets goals. We are not supposed to make "positioning goals," like "my goal is to place in the top six every race." We are to set goals based on improving skills, which in turn improves your outcomes). So my goal this race has been to work on sail management (especially launching and hauling the spinnaker). But I must admit I do have a placement goal--not to be last place ever. I'm real new to this boat and Mark has experience, and regattas have both very competent sailors and "green" or newer sailors. I just don't want to be last. That being said....

Our first race (in the rain) was our best--we placed in the top 1/2 at #8 out of 18. Not bad. After that, things just went downhill. For the most part we seemed to struggle with speed--it felt like everyone was going faster or gaining on us. For the results of the second race and third race I have to check the IFDS Worlds homepage when they post it (it wasn't posted yet); nevertheless we were at the bottom1/3 in those races. We weren't last and 8th place was pretty darn good.

Thanks for all your comments--I do hope everyone is being kind to our new teachers! I'm glad your starting your fractured fairy tales--Desiree told me her choice. What are other folks doing? Someone asked about how long it was to get the boat in the water. Well, we are taking about over an hour. It would be nice if we could get a bit more efficient with the process. It is a lot of work going from dry dock to sailing status. It will get better as the days go on. Today I had Kira, a tutoring student of mine from EnCompass come down and help out at the docks. She will be down the next couple of days too! Thank you Kira! And to answer Kailen's question--we are sailing right here on Lake Ontario from the Rochester Yacht Club. Today we spent almost 6 hours out on the lake.

Again, thanks for all your support! I'll get Mark on this blog soon. Chris--hang in there!


Anonymous said...

Hi AMy,
Keep those straps on! We don't need you bobbin' in the water like a a water bouy. That whole experience must have been quite frightening. I'm glad you made it out alright. What an experience and adventure you two are having. Good luck with the rest of the week. Birgit

Gibby said...

Hey girl, you would do anything to get out of coming to work (smile). Hope everything is going ok. See you soon!!

Anonymous said...

do'nt fall in this time
good luck


Anonymous said...


Sounds like you are having quite an adventure! All is well here at NHS. Have fun and stay in the boat!!


Anonymous said...

whats up
good luck

Anonymous said...

that was from me kailen

Anonymous said...

wussup ms. s
good luck in the races
hopefully no one falls overboard.
have fun

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that you almost drown hope you get first place

matt said...

check it out im doing homework!
anyway i read your post about your attempt to defy Neptoon himself by sailing through a storm with only a chest strap remaining and i have to say thats pretty crazy but i hope you and your partner are okay

Anonymous said...

how is your sailing going i hope you are having fun. Is it raining? because it was storming last night there was so much lightning i could not sleep. have lots of fun


Unknown said...

Sorry you fell in.

Still kinda good luck mabye?

Anonymous said...

hope your havin fun i would be if i had the chance
good luck


Unknown said...

i sailed in the rain once, not fun. hope it got dark and that guy went blind for ya. we luv ya, and yes, i did all of this no capital, im abrev. stuff just fer u.


Unknown said...

I also fell in once...

.......go i hated that rich kid camp..........

...anyways i thout i would empathize with you, i know it's probably different when you're parapalegic, but still, the foot holds snapped and i slipped in.
hang on in there and let the giant russian lady mess with ya. we gotca back!


Anonymous said...

Ihope you have a better day tomarro then you did today. we are starting to read are farry tails. i wannt you to come back soon. I MISS YOU A LOT

from desiree christen mueller

Anonymous said...

Was the weather good today. Are you having a good time. Have fun! Joshua s

Anonymous said...

You are one crazy sailing teacher! Amazing! Please don't go "overboard"; we want you back at NHS in one piece!!!
Miss you & good luck,
Edina ;-)

Sara said...

Sounds like you had an eventful day! It's a good thing you didn't' fall out of the boat! Thanks for blogging for us every night! Take care of yourself so we can have you back here next week! Sara