Thursday, September 13, 2007

Day 4

What a glorious day for sailing. Initially the nautical reports said the winds would be light--2-6 knots. They lied. We ended up with nice 8-12 knot winds which make for some good sailing and those white caps. In terms of results...things could have been better. Today, our starts were dirt poor and I had fewer problems with the spinnaker, but still feel that goal needs more work. We also need to figure how to keep Ms. S strapped into the seat better so she can pull the lines without practically falling over. Always a learning experience.

We have fallen to 13 overall, and our best race we finished in 8th (which seems to be our lucky number). We did learn how to go faster downwind and that felt good. There were tons of spectator boats out there today (some of my friends from my book club came out to watch the races today).

I feel like I spent the majority of the day talking to reporters--a woman from the Irondequoit paper came today (yesterday was the D &C) and then the photographer from the D&C came. He took video and I was "wired" as we were sailing out of the channel (Mark and I had to tone down the rhetoric). The D &C says they will play the video on-line at their site--so check it out! I mentioned you guys and hope you get into the article!

Well--I must admit, I am tired. Something about all that fresh air and hard work takes all the air out of you. Continue to be nice to the teachers and tomorrow, our last day, will be better--for sure.

Sorry Brian, I'm not making those decisions--you have to ask Ms. Roberts. You can do a great story on your own--I have all the confidence in the world in your creativity. Hang in there--I'll be back Monday.


PS the Canadian stayed away from us today....


Unknown said...

Than you for mention us Ms S all
cool down here. It cool that
we may be on news yeh. ]:o

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,

You made the D&C!!! I've enjoyed reading about your journey this week and sharing it with some of your former students. We're all rooting for you. Hope today is your best day yet!!


Unknown said...

well well, look who's a big shot with the reporters, you know you're the only person with outside contacts to the real world from nhs. can't wait to see you, hope you don't miss a bill payment cause you didn't get your weekly pay of 7.50.


dko127 said...

Last day? Well, do good and dont let up...knock some boats over!


good luck,


Unknown said...

Oh trhis brem Lrst Dray Hrope Yruou dokj groonmd.


Oh this is your last day well i hope you do banana.

Anonymous said...

hi there!! i hope your haveing fun!!! sam says ooga booga booga. hes strange. ha ha! ☺ bye!


matt said...

"WEIRD"?!?! why would the reporters can you "weird" but of course i am just kidding but still that is soo cool that you got on the news so i guess that makes you a celebirty now
anyway stay in the boat and dont forget to brush up on your shanties and sailor tongue
but i guess that would also be sailor mouth and you might already have that

Gibby said...

hi ms. s this is kailen. keep your head up. see you soon

Anonymous said...

I'm glade that you will be back on monda. the storyes are going grate im almost done with my maps. i miss you so much .

from desiree c mueller

Anonymous said...

I hope u had fun. See u soon.


Anonymous said...

good job Mr.s you made the d n c i hope you had fun when you are racing i can"t wait for you to tell us stores about how much fun you had on your trip come back soon.


Anonymous said...

com bac sun i am vary bord thes techers dont no wot to do .

Anonymous said...

I hope you can win the race tomaro.

Joshua Sisto

Anonymous said...

hey Ms. S nice to know you will be back monday all is well here so i guess i'll see you on monday

Anonymous said...


You are so awesome! It was great to see you in the paper. The kids miss you, but all is going well. Can't wait to see you next week!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

cant wait 2 here all bout it and c u Monday
o and Ryan was so hyper he couldn't write
and also
i saw u in da newspaper
~ Nichole~