Monday, September 10, 2007

Day 1

Hi Everyone!

It was great to see your messages--you put a big smile on my face! There a couple things really important to the sport of sailing. The biggest one (once you have a boat) is the wind. Today was an unforgiving nearly windless day accompanied by big rollers (waves with deep dips). The wind never reached more than 4 knots and was 2-3 knots for the two hours we sat out on Lake Ontario. It was disappointing not to be able to race today. Another important aspect to sailing is not to suffer from sea sickness (Mark did today), so this gives you guys permission to bust his chops. Mark has promised to leave an introductory note and some messages for you too.

Just to fill you in on some more details...there are 29 countries represented in this event and there are 18 skud teams. Every day we are scheduled to race 3 races (weather permitting). Mark and I have to be dockside by 10:00-10:30. We have what we call "dock monkeys;" those folks that volunteer to help us rig the boat and get our bodies into the boat. It can be a very tedious process. For this event, every day we have to pull the boats (take them out of the water). I must admit, the volunteers on the dock and those hoisting the boats were awesome. I have never seen such efficiency in a regatta before.

I have some photos from today showing you the process (of hoisting and rigging the boat). It is really a great way to learn the lines (sheets) and sails. That is my job as crew--manage the lines and sails. The skud has three sails: the main, the jib, and the spinnaker. I will post a picture of my point of view so you can get the idea.

Again, thanks for visiting the site, say hi to Mark, and tomorrow I will fill you in again!


Anonymous said...

Miss S./Amy

YOU GO with your bad self!
Can not think of a better way to use your personal days...I will stay tuned for more posts!

dko127 said...

good luck ms. S!

Unknown said...

Hi Ms S and good luck?

I be cool?

Kailen said...

what's up ms. s this is Kailen. Where are you boating at?

Anonymous said...

have fun

from tiquane

Anonymous said...

i hope you are having fun was there a lot of wind yesterday


Anonymous said...

how long does it take to put the boat in the water? Have you ever got sick on the boat.


Anonymous said...

I want you to have a good time and dont wearry about us. I would rather be with you then being in school. I feel bad and tell your team mate that I said hello and i hope he does not get sea sick. How are you feeling? I am doing my frachred farry tail onvoret one. Rumbulstilskin because it is my faveoret one
love desiree

Anonymous said...


Everything is going very well! We miss you. Hope you are having fun!


Anonymous said...

Today the wather was cold and wet.Im very happy to be in school.

Joshua S

Anonymous said...

what the bloody did leave for. i'm stuck with even without you to tell her to shut up. but it is fun bashing him.

Anonymous said...

hi good luck this week and have fun :D

Anonymous said...

have fun and good luck

kevinster said...

ms s hope your having a great time and not worrying about us to much

Anonymous said...

hey there!!!

I have been sailing before its alot of fun so i bet your haveing fun too. I sure hope so! Say hi to your partner for me.

from michelle

P.S. Keep smiling - it makes everyone wonder what you're up to.

Anonymous said...

I hope the winds are good for sailing
I'll miss you

Kim D.

matt said...

Me and Sam both agree that it's just not the same with out ms.S
for instance
we no kidding had a story time in writing today
we all thought it would be funny to get on the floor in a circal to read fairy tales allowed but all 1st grade style

Anonymous said...

hi i saw you on the news


Anonymous said...

i can't wait till you are back. we miss u and hope to see you soon.